Health Information Systems

Good and correct management is the prerequisite for increasing the efficiency of health services in countries.
The Health Information System is an integrated, large-scale Project that manages health facilities and community data, electronic health records for patient care, population-based data, human resources information, financial information, supply chain information and surveillance information, as well as the joint use and communication of this information. It enables the collection, processing, reporting and use of information necessary to increase health care effectiveness and efficiency through better management at all levels of health care.

Knowledge management in health services is of great importance at all management levels; from the ends to the center and from the center to the ends. System; to ensure the production, analysis, dissemination and use of reliable and timely data by decision makers at all levels.

The systems we developed in this Project;

Hospital Management Information System

Family Medicine Information System

Pharmacy Information System

Social Security Provision System

Pharmaceutical Information Management System

Material Information Management System

Asset Information System

Health Personnel Record Tracking System